Hello World

2022-05-14 - Zach Hart

I've been trying to learn Rust on and off for the least year or so, although I tend to put these projects down for months at a time. Recenly, I've put a bit more time into Spindrift, a basic static site generator designed for simple blogs like this one! The basic building block in Spindrift is a droplet - which is a single post written in YAML. These posts can contain basic metadata about the post, such as author and date, and either an image, text content, or both.

Currently, spindrift supports basic markdown formatting (bold, italics, and links), but lacks support for things like ordered/unordered lists, code blocks or preformatted text, or different heading types within posts. These are all on my roadmap to work on, and I may end up just relying on some pre-existing rust libraries for markdown support. At the moment, however, this markdown parsing is implemented in plain regex.

I have a laundry list of features that it would be nice to work on, but who knows what will get done. For now though, I'm happy to have a working "beta" of sorts. Check out this and my other projects on GitHub!
